


Bạn đang đọc: Phim innocent (2005 - canada và hong kong)


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Fluido (2017)
Country: GermanyRelease Year: 2017
Aka: FluidøDirector: Shu Lea CheangWriter: Shu Lea CheangLanguage: EnglishGenre: Erotica, Sci-Fi | Runtime: 80 min
Cast:Alexander Geist, Bishop BlackWilliam E. Morris, Antonio Onio Kristina Marlen, Aérea Negrot
Studio:Jürgen Brüning FilmproduktionAmard Bird Films, Rapid Eye Movies
Imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5447962/
Set in the post-AIDS future of 2060, where the Government is the first to declare the era sida FREE, mutated aids viruses give birth khổng lồ ZERO ren - humans that have genetically evolved in a very unique way. These gender fluid ZERO GENs are the bio-drug carriers whose trắng fluid is the hypernarcotic for the 21st century, taking over the markets of the 20th century white powder high. The ejaculate of these beings is intoxicating và the new size of sexual commodity in the future. The new drug, code named DELTA, diffuses through skin tương tác and creates an addictive high. A new war on drugs begins and the ZERO gene are declared illegal. The Government dispatches drug-resistant replicants for round-up arrest missions. When one of these government android"s immunity breaks down và its pleasure centers are activated, the story becomes a tangled multi-thread plot & the ZERO GENs are caught among underground drug lords, glitched super agents, a scheming corporation & a corrupt government....

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