

(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
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for love, out of affection or liking; for pleasure. Without compensation; gratuitously: He took care of the poor for love.

Bạn đang đọc: Love

in love with, feeling deep affection or passion for (a person, idea, occupation, etc.); enamored of: in love with the girl next door; in love with one's work.
First recorded before 900; (noun) Middle English; Old English lufu, cognate with Old Frisian luve, Old High German luba, Gothic lubō; (verb) Middle English lov(i)en, Old English lufian; cognate with Old Frisian luvia, Old High German lubōn “to love,” Latin lubēre (later libēre ) “to be pleasing”; akin to lief


outlove, verb (used with object), out·loved, out·lov·ing.o·ver·love, verb, o·ver·loved, o·ver·lov·ing.
Louÿs, lovable, lovage, lovastatin, lovat, love, loveable, love affair, love apple, love arrows, love at first sight

Love is an intense, deep affection for another person. Love also means to feel this intense affection for someone. Love can also refer to lớn a strong lượt thích for something or to like something a lot. Love has many other senses both as a verb and a noun.

It is difficult to explain what love is. Love is one of the most intense emotions humans feel in life. It is the opposite of hate, another incredibly intense emotion. When you would vày anything for a specific person, that’s usually because you feel love for them.

There are many kinds of deep affection you can have for another person, and they can all be described as love. The love you feel for your parents won’t be the same love you feel for a close friend or a lãng mạn partner. You can also have a strong emotional bond with an animal, such as your dog. That, too, is love.

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Real-life examples: Spouses hopefully feel love toward each other. It is expected that a parent will have feelings of love for their child. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love.Used in a sentence: The man always helped his daughter out of love for her. 

Love is used in this same sense khổng lồ mean to lớn feel love toward another person. People who romantically love each other are said to lớn be “in love” & are called lovers. These terms generally imply thắm thiết or sexual attraction.

Real-life examples: Romeo loved Juliet. Most parents love their children. A person often loves their boyfriend or girlfriend.Used in a sentence: She loves her best friend lượt thích a sister. 

Love is also used khổng lồ refer khổng lồ a less passionate, but still strong, fondness for something.

Real-life examples: Athletes have a love of sports. Readers have a love of books. Artists may have a love of painting, music, or drawing.Used in a sentence: His love of Paris led him khổng lồ take many trips to France. 

In this sense, love can also be used to lớn mean khổng lồ really lượt thích something or someone. The word lover is used lớn mean a person who really likes something, as in a “dog lover” or a “food lover.”

Real-life examples: Cats love lớn chase things. Outgoing people love being around other people. Couch potatoes love television.Used in a sentence: I love going to lớn the zoo và seeing all the animals. 

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