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Bạn đang đọc: List full episode of i love my president though he is a psycho



Xem thêm: Đáp Án Đề Thi Khối D Năm 2012 Cau 23, Đề Thi Đáp Án Đại Học Môn Văn Khối D Năm 2012



What trash.I briefly considered giving this a 10 (like another đánh giá for this drama) simply because I just could not believe that the writer would, with their hand over their heart, believe this steaming pile of dog shit masquerading as a script could actually be halfway-decent enough khổng lồ be shown to lớn the world. But that would mean the rating for this drama would increase, which would be false advertising. So hence, here is my very honest and slightly disgruntled đánh giá (after all, I wasted a good day watching all 10 episodes. A day I will never get back.)This show is low budget, but that"s okay. Low budget shows can also be great (read: Go Princess Go) or at the very least, watchable (read: Master Devil vì chưng Not Kiss Me). Here, on the other hand, it was lượt thích the producers didn"t even have enough to lớn hire actors. Hell, my aunt who stays at home and reads to her 12 cats can probably act better. For example, when the male lead was talking about his "Paranoid Personality Disorder" (does this even exist?), he put on this facial expression that really, really wanted lớn be tortured, but sort of fell in the ballpark of constipated. I think that if the producers spent less on all the fancy sets and locations, they could"ve afforded some decent actors, but hey, who cares about actors anyway.I still can"t believe this story is what it is. It gives me hope that if crap lượt thích THIS can get produced, then anything I kết thúc up writing will have the producers queuing in front of my house. It starts off with our bug-eyed, small faced heroine (whose face kinda creeped me out with its very apparent plasticky-ness) being kidnapped & tied lớn a chair with a cheap-looking alien brain-sucking device on her head- or so you"d think (muwahaha the budget strikes again!) Its actually a lie detector. We see a bunch of science-y looking scientists (because lab coats, duh) ask her where she hid the baby. Female lead gets confused và vehemently denies ever being pregnant. Lie detector says she"s lying, and the scientists keep asking her where she hid the baby. The heroine faints. Fast forward a bit, & we see our hero, looking all serious & hero-like while having a face that is 3 shades lighter than his neck (good 3d artists cost money). Now, even HE asks her about the baby- his baby, apparently- và absolutely refuses to lớn accept that they never had sex in the first place, because according to lớn him, they both were drunk at a tiệc ngọt she was waitressing at when they had it. While a normal person would accept that an ordinary woman would know if she ever pushed out a baby, this guy was somehow convinced that our female lead birthed a human without her knowledge.Once this idiocy got over, the male lead had no reason to lớn keep her at his mansion, but ya" know, he still did because he is "ohmagerd obsezzed!!!" The female lead eventually stayed because Stockholm Syndrome.Okay, I"ll stop there. Not only because I was getting more & more annoyed as I typed, but the đánh giá was also suffering (if it hasn"t already suffered enough.)Tl;dr- The actors can"t act, the writer can"t write, the directors can"t direct & the producers can"t produce.

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