
Game of thrones phần 5

Just in case you don’t have time re-watch seven seasons of Game of Thrones before the upcoming premiere—it’s only 67 episodes; what’s wrong with you?—we here at Vanity Fair will be recapping every single season of the show to lớn make sure key events are fresh in your mind. Since this is a rather daunting undertaking—it’s 67 episodes; what bởi you expect of us?!—we’ve boiled each season down khổng lồ the essential arc of each surviving main character set to vày battle in Season 8.

Bạn đang đọc: Game of thrones phần 5

If you feel a little more ambitious, there’s an extra-credit section below with additional information that could be good to remember when the series returns. (Just because a character has died, for instance, that doesn’t mean they’re unimportant!) For a more in-depth look at some of the key episodes of Game of Thrones, you can dive into Vanity Fair’s menu of the 15 most essential episodes of Game of Thrones to lớn re-watch before the final season. But for now, here’s Season 5.

You can catch up with other recaps here:

Previously on Game of Thrones Season 7.

Previously on Game of Thrones Season 6.

Previously on Game of Thrones Season 4.

Previously on Game of Thrones Season 3.

Previously on Game of Thrones Season 2.

Previously on Game of Thrones Season 1.

Essential Information

Cersei Lannister, Queen Regent of Westeros, buries her father Tywin, is jealous of Queen Margaery Tyrell, is worried about her daughter, Myrcella, in Dorne, tries lớn make a powerful ally in a religious figure known as the High Sparrow and his Faith Militant followers, & has Loras Tyrell arrested. Cersei is then taken prisoner by the High Sparrow, charged with adultery, incest, & regicide. She has all her hair chopped off; takes a long, awful walk through the streets of King’s Landing; and collapses in the arms of Qyburn and her new, undead bodyguard: the Mountain.

Jaime Lannister, Her Twin Brother, teams up with the sellsword-turned-knight Bronn lớn travel lớn Dorne to lớn rescue his daughter, Myrcella, from the Martells who are more than a little ticked about the death of Prince Oberyn. (You remember, sexy rakish guy who had his head popped?) Jaime’s stay in Dorne is a mixed success as he tangles with Oberyn’s daughters, the Sand Snakes, & his brother, Prince Doran—but ultimately, he winds up taking his daughter and her fiancé, Trystane Martell, back khổng lồ King’s Landing. Just as they’re leaving Dorne & Jaime confesses to lớn Myrcella that he’s her dad (not her uncle), the girl dies in his arms thanks khổng lồ a poisonous kiss she received from Oberyn’s paramour: Ellaria Sand.

Tyrion Lannister, Her Other Brother, arrives in Essos, drinks some wine, throws up, drinks more wine, begins traveling with Varys toward Meereen, visits a brothel in Volantis, is captured by Ser Jorah, sails through Valyria, is almost killed by Stone Men, is captured by slavers, convinces them to lớn seek out a cock merchant, is sold into the fighting pits, meets Daenerys, wins her over with banter, watches her fly away on a dragon, & gets left in charge of Meereen.

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Jon Snow, the Bastard of Winterfell, teaches Olly how khổng lồ fight, has an awkward sex talk with Melisandre, kills Mance as an act of mercy, becomes Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, turns down Stannis’s offer of legitimization, executes Janos Slynt, travels to lớn Hardhome, battles the undead, kills a trắng Walker with his Valyrian Steel sword, meets the Night King, gets back khổng lồ Castle Black, lets the wildlings through the gate, learns of Stannis’s loss at Winterfell, and is murdered (temporarily) “For the Watch.”


Bran Stark, the Last Surviving Son of Winterfell, takes the season off, but Sansa talks about him a bit. We can assume he has been training with the Three-Eyed Raven. Also, at some point, he got a haircut.

Arya Stark, His Sister, arrives in Braavos, begins her internship at the House of Black và White: School of Murder, gets smacked around by the Waif, sees the Hall of Faces, gets a job selling oysters, ignores her mission and murders Meryn Trant, is punished by Jaqen, and becomes blind.

Sansa Stark, His Other Sister, travels khổng lồ Winterfell with Littlefinger và refuses the help of Brienne along the way. She finds out she’s engaged to Ramsay Bolton, visits her aunt Lyanna in the crypts, has a tense bath scene with Ramsay’s girlfriend Myranda, sees Theon, has dinner with the Boltons, gets married—you know what happened next—and jumps off the embankments of Winterfell lớn escape the clutches of House Bolton.


Daenerys Targaryen, the Queen of Dragons, struggles to keep order in Meereen, gets hissed at by her freed slaves, learns about her brother Rhaegar’s singing career, mourns the loss of Ser Barristan, feeds one of the wise masters lớn her dragons, sees Ser Jorah again, meets Tyrion, banishes Jorah again, opens the fighting pits, agrees to marry Hizdahr zo Loraq, gets attacked at the opening of Daznak’s Pit, is rescued first by Jorah và then by Drogon, flies away, and is scooped up by a Dothraki horde.

The Night King, a Big Scary blue Guy, shows up at Hardhome, meets Jon Snow, and sassily shows him his best tiệc ngọt trick: bringing the dead back to life with a shrug of his shoulders.

Notable Deaths

Jon Snow (sorta), Shireen Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, white Rat, Mance Rayder, Janos Slynt, Ser Barristan Selmy, Maester Aemon, the Lord of Bones, a trắng Walker, everyone’s new favorite Wildling Karsi, Hizdahr zo Loraq, Selyse Baratheon, Myranda, Meryn Trant, Myrcella Baratheon.


Defining Cultural Moment

This one is a three-way tie between the outcry over the rape of Sansa Stark, the media frenzy over the fate of Jon Snow, and the buzz around Cersei’s Walk of Atonement. Cersei’s walk coincided with some serious discussion of how online-shaming và social-media culture were becoming an increasingly powerful weapon. Jon’s death—which was & is still a cliff-hanger in the books—marked the first time the show had tried to keep a major secret from its fandom. Actor Kit Harington gave interviews in which he claimed to lớn have chopped off his trademark Jon Snow locks—more of a trim, really—and wasn’t coming back. The cast and crew then spent several exhausting months lying to both the truyền thông media and fans. It was only the beginning of the show’s highly secretive new way of engaging with its audience, now that it had run out of books to adapt. But when we look back, the true standout moment has lớn be Sansa’s sexual assault—and the outcry & ensuing discussion of the occasionally reckless way rape had been used to lớn tell stories on the screen.


Extra Credit

The fall of House Baratheon cannot be overlooked in this season. Stannis, a true favorite among book readers who is still alive in Martin’s book narrative, was the last khổng lồ go down. But it was the death of the young princess Shireen that drew the most attention. Unlike the show’s treatment of Sansa, here the writers could shield themselves from critique by pointing out that this unholy barbecue was George R.R. Martin’s idea, not theirs.

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Joanna Robinson is a Hollywood writer covering TV & film for phukiennail.net. She also hosts a number of podcasts including A Cast of Kings, Storm of Spoilers,The Station Agents. She lives in Northern California and knows more about Game of Thrones than you do.

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