
Xem Phim Gia Đình Hiện Đại Trung Quốc

The family"s dude ranch vacation turns into disaster when Dylan proposes khổng lồ Haley, Alex gets an unexpected first kiss, their cowboy guide keeps hitting on Gloria, and Phil goes out of his way to impress Jay.

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Lily has problems with Mitchell và Cameron"s plans to adopt another child, Jay tries lớn get Manny to confess lớn stealing a locket at school, & Claire goes to lớn extreme lengths to prove that she was right in an argument.
Phil tries lớn learn tightrope walking, Haley and Alex wind up in the same math class, Gloria becomes upset over Jay"s pampering of the dog, and Mitchell joins Cameron on a juice fast.
Claire recruits her family khổng lồ help gather signatures for a petition to lớn get a stop sign, Gloria loses the family dog, Jay helps Manny try khổng lồ sell wrapping paper for school, và Cameron leaves a mess in the kitchen for Mitchell.
Claire leaves Phil at trang chủ to watch the kids while she applies to lớn run for public office, Mitchell & Cameron are victimized by a hit-and-run driver, và an annoying client asks Jay khổng lồ "wow" him.
While Phil takes Haley on a tour of his alma mater, Claire goes out on the town with a man she mistakenly assumes is Mitchell & Cameron"s gay friend. Meanwhile, Gloria is alarmed và curious about Manny"s mail-order package.
Phil tries lớn build a treehouse, Haley struggles with writing a college admissions essay, Cameron hits on a single woman khổng lồ win a bet with Mitchell, & Jay doesn"t want to lớn go out salsa nhảy đầm with Gloria and another couple.
As the family collects goods for a family whose house burned down, Jay makes an embarrassing remark to Phil during a massage, Claire is jealous of Mitchell"s friendship with Gloria, and Cameron struggles with a moving van in a parking lot.
Phil is upset that Claire is stifling his creativity, Mitchell doesn"t believe Cameron"s "punkin chunkin" story, Gloria won"t let Jay tell Manny that his Thanksgiving centerpiece is horrible, và Hayley & Alex get in an accident.
Phil proposes that the entire family celebrate "Express Christmas" together on December 16, when they discover that they won"t be spending Christmas Day together.
After having a doctor"s visit but then missing the hotline with the test results, Phil automatically jumps khổng lồ conclusions và starts saying his goodbyes. Meanwhile Javier pops up unannounced again và takes Manny to lớn the horse races for a belated birthday celebration, and a subtle competition ensues when Mitchell brings trang chủ an environmental law award & it becomes a trò chơi of who has the bigger trophy.
While Jay và Claire become hyper-competitive while working on their boys" science project, Gloria tries to help Phil with his real estate seminar. Meanwhile, Cameron and Mitchell interview a potential birth mother.

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Claire"s family tries khổng lồ help her prepare for her political debate, Lily begins saying the "F word" right before her appearance as a flower girl at a wedding, and Jay begins lớn wonder if his dog Stella is suicidal.
Claire thinks Phil"s prospective new client is hitting on her, tensions rise as Mitchell and Cameron temporarily stay with Jay & Gloria, & Alex becomes jealous when Hayley volunteers as a Big Sister.
Claire makes a drunken decision to lớn donate her egg for Mitchell & Cameron"s next child, while Manny gets hurt after Jay gets him into a football game.
Alex accidentally reveals a secret about Haley khổng lồ their dad, Cameron fakes a back injury to catch Claire in a lie, Mitchell confesses a secret about one of Jay"s proudest moments, và Luke helps Manny try lớn impress a girl.
Claire, Hayley, and Alex"s cycles ruin Phil"s big Leap Day plans, Mitchell tries lớn throw an elaborate các buổi party for Cameron"s "tenth" birthday, & Gloria wants Jay lớn get in a fight.
Cameron reunites an old clown act despite Mitchell"s warnings, Phil plays hardball with a rival khổng lồ get a listing, Manny"s new "friend" has a crush on Gloria, and Claire wants her daughters to lớn friend her on Facebook.
It"s Claire"s election day, và the entire family tries in vain to pitch in lớn help her win the vote. Meanwhile, Haley anxiously awaits her final chance lớn get accepted into a college.
Phil makes an impulsive car purchase và wonders how Claire will react, Jay struggles khổng lồ get himself and his family to lớn a weekend with the guys at Pebble Beach, & Mitchell and Cameron thua kém Lily"s stuffed bunny on the subway.
Jay and Gloria argue about how a waitress is closer to lớn Jay than Gloria. Luke is awarded a medal for putting out a fire he started, Phil tries to fire Mitchell, and Claire và Cam fight about Cam"s parenting strategies.
Jay and Manny are left to accompany Lily at her recital as Mitchell & Cameron bring Gloria along as translator as they adopt a Mexican child. Meanwhile, Haley has a surprise announcement about her plans after high school.
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