
The last kingdom season 3 recap


With season 4 arriving this month, here’s all The Last Kingdom kích hoạt you need to remember from last time. Spoilers ahead…


The tempestuous relationship between Uhtred và King Alfred came khổng lồ a head in season three, when Uhtred refused to lớn swear a further oath lớn Alfred’s son Edward, preferring his freedom and considering his debt lớn Alfred paid. Things worsened when, after Uhtred’s wife Gisela died in childbirth, Uhtred desecrated her grave and burned her body toàn thân on a Pagan pyre, offending Alfred’s faith. Finally, when Christian monk Brother Godwin insulted Gisela’s memory, Uhtred retaliated & accidentally killed him – a further insult to Alfred’s Christianity. Resisting arrest for the murder, Uhtred escaped Wessex by holding Alfred hostage at knifepoint & was banished from the kingdom.

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Uhtred & his men rode north, where he encountered Danish seer Skade, who offered to mô tả her body toàn thân and her power nguồn with him. Uhtred refused & took her hostage, so she cursed him, making him gravely ill until Brida cured his illness using ritual magic, but not lifting the curse.

In the north, Uhtred joined his Viking brother Ragnar (whose life he’d saved by swearing his oath lớn Alfred in the first place), Brida, Ragnar’s cousin Cnut and the Danish army. Uhtred plotted with the Danes to invade Wessex, despite feeling uneasy about the scheme. When he received a điện thoại tư vấn for help from Alfred’s daughter Aethelflaed though, Uhtred abandoned the Danes and instead rode lớn her rescue on the urging of Father Beocca.

After her rescue, Aethelflaed asked Uhtred khổng lồ kiss her but he refused, still believing himself cursed. Having exchanged Skade for Aethelflaed’s freedom, he re-kidnapped her from the Danish camp to lớn lift the curse. In the meantime, Ragnar was killed in his sleep, cursing him to the icy realm of Niflheim, so Uhtred và Brida went on a mission to lớn save Ragnar’s soul và allow him to lớn enter Valhalla. On the mission, Uhtred learned that to lớn lift his curse he must kill Skade without shedding a drop of her blood, so he lured her to lớn a river and drowned her.

Needing the blood of Ragnar’s closest living relative – his sister Thyra – khổng lồ send him khổng lồ Valhalla, Uhtred snuck back into Wessex where he met secretly with a dying Alfred, and saw the Chronicle of Wessex the king was preparing, which wrote Uhtred out of history. Alfred pardoned Uhtred, but after Alfred’s death his widow Aelswith (a devout Christian who’d always hated the Pagan) rescinded the pardon and locked Uhtred up. Edward, now the king, went against his mother & Uhtred agreed to lớn join him as a không tính tiền man, not an oathman, lớn fight the Danish army. During the battle with the Danes (won by the Saxons), Uhtred killed Aethelwold, sending Ragnar’s soul to Valhalla. The season ended with Uhtred making peace with his duel identities, Saxon & Dane.

King Alfred – illness, enmity & legacy


The seer Skade predicted that Alfred wouldn’t see another summer & was proved right. Plagued by ill health, Alfred died before his vision of uniting the kingdoms into a single England came to pass. After failing to convince Queen Aelswith that Edward would need the hated Pagan Uhtred to advise him, & failing to lớn ensnare Uhtred into swearing an oath khổng lồ Edward, Alfred made Uhtred his enemy. He banished him from Wessex, seized his estate and stole his son & daughter, forcing them to lớn be raised as Christians against their father’s wishes.

Despite his ailing health, Alfred drew a sword & marched his men to lớn battle, teaching Edward how to lead from the front. He tested his son’s mettle on the battlefield and told Edward he had acted as a true king. Later, realising the grave error he had made with Uhtred, Alfred met with him in secret and pardoned him, securing Uhtred’s promise khổng lồ advise Edward as a không tính tiền man. He apologised for not including Uhtred in his Chronicle of Wessex & toasted him as ‘a man I have never understood but without whom I would not die a king.’

Aethelflaed – a true leader of Mercia


When King Alfred called on Lord Aethelred of Mercia to lớn supply troops to help defend Wessex against the Danes, Aethelred refused. Not taking that for an answer, his wife Lady Aethelflaed (Alfred’s daughter) led Mercia’s troops to lớn aid Wessex herself, proving herself – unlike her husband – a strong và popular leader. In retaliation for the blot on his character, Aethelred plotted lớn entrap Aethelflaed into adultery so that he could publicly denounce her, but when that failed, he ordered his advisor Aldhelm lớn murder her.

Aldhelm, recognising that Aethelflaed was a stronger leader of Mercia than her husband, informed her of the plan & shifted allegiance, protecting her. She escaped to a nunnery và sent for Uhtred’s help when it was attacked, confessing her feelings for him when he rescued her. Believing himself cursed by a witch, Uhtred refused her for her own protection.

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Edward – aetheling no longer


While still a prince (or aetheling), Edward secretly married a woman he loved and she bore him twins. As she was a commoner, Aelswith plotted with Bishop Erkenwald to lớn have the wife & children removed from the kingdom so that Edward could make a more profitable match. Against his will, Edward was married lớn Aelflaed, daughter of the wealthy Lord Aethelhelm, who discovered the existence of Edward’s legitimate but banished heirs, & who plots khổng lồ further his own power.

Edward stepped out from behind his parents’ shadow in season three, first defying his father by supplying troops to Uhtred when Alfred had refused them, & finally, by freeing Uhtred from his mother’s prison after Alfred’s death. He won his first battle as king, defending Wessex from the Danes with the help of Aethelred’s Mercians & Sigebrigt’s Kentish army.

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Having converted to lớn Christianity to lớn live in Wessex with her husband, Thyra was targeted by violent bigots who would not accept her Danish heritage. The bigots were encouraged by Aethelwold, who stoked the flames of intolerance lớn further his own ambitions to lớn usurp Edward và rule Wessex. Not feeling safe at home, Thyra dug herself a hiding place under the floor. When one of the bigots insulted her in public, Beocca headbutted him, và in revenge, he waited until Thyra was alone và set fire to lớn her trang chủ while she was hiding inside. Instead of burning khổng lồ death, Thyra took the Danish route of killing herself with a knife.

Father Beocca lost her, & his king, & his role at Alfred’s court thanks khổng lồ Aelswith who never trusted his closeness khổng lồ the Pagan Uhtred.

Brida – Ragnar, betrayal và more curses


Ragnar’s cousin Cnut colluded with Aethelwold lớn murder Ragnar in his sleep and usurp his place at the head of the Danish army. Aethelwold killed Ragnar and framed the woman he was sleeping with for the murder (through Ragnar & Brida were lovers, Ragnar was trying lớn have sons with other women because Brida was unable khổng lồ have children).

Heart-broken that Ragnar died without a sword in his hand và was thus denied entry to Valhalla, Brida and Uhtred sought out Storri, the Seer from season one, lớn find a way lớn transport Ragnar’s soul out of Viking hell. Storri, it turned out, was the one who had cursed Brida to become infertile, after she humiliated him in her youth by stripping him naked and sticking a branch up his bum. Storri told them how to save Ragnar, and Brida killed him. She discovered Aethelwold murdered Ragnar, and Uhtred killed him, sending Ragnar lớn Valhalla. Brida became Cnut’s lover, not realising he had plotted Ragnar’s murder.

Aethelwold – a craven villain


Alfred’s villainous nephew spent the season trying to usurp the throne of Wessex first from his uncle then from his cousin Edward. He joined a coalition of the Danes, rallying them lớn attack Wessex so he could claim the crown. He murdered Ragnar (see above), was captured by Alfred for plotting against him, and was sentenced to lớn have his eye removed in punishment. Afterwards, he still plotted against the king and sided with the Danes, trying to lớn convince Sigebrigt of Kent to join them against Wessex. Sigebrigt however, betrayed Aethelwold và sided with the Saxons. In battle, Uhtred killed Aethelwold for Ragnar’s murder.

Cnut – the treacherous cousin


Ragnar’s red-headed cousin, who – unbeknownst khổng lồ Brida – plotted Ragnar’s murder with Aethelwold (see above) & then took Brida as his lover. He survived the Danish battle with Edward’s army.

Haesten – a flip-flopping Dane


Another tricky Dane, Haesten pretended to lớn be loyal to Alfred but then teamed up with Aethelwold & the Danish army against him. He captured Skade, the witch who cursed Uhtred, and tried to lớn take her power for himself but she outwitted him và escaped with Uhtred, who later killed her lớn lift his curse. He also survived the battle with the Saxon army.

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