

Wondering whether you"re really, truly falling in love with someone? Chances are, you"ve sầu probably already asked a close friover or family member for the telltale signs. And if they"re like most people, they probably responded with "you just know," "it"s hard lớn describe," or something equally vague—all of which, needless to lớn say, are pretty unhelpful.

Bạn đang đọc: Not sure if you're falling in love? here's exactly how to know




But just as there is no hard-and-fast rule for how long it takes to lớn fall in love sầu, there"s no phối checkcác mục for how to lớn know if what you"re feeling is the real giảm giá khuyến mãi. Some people know after a single moment; others develop the feelings after months or even years of small gestures.

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That said, though, there are some comtháng (và scientifically-backed) signals that you"re likely falling in love sầu. For instance, you feel the need lớn mô tả even the smallest moments of your day with your person, and maybe you discover that their interests are suddenly becoming your interests, too. Or, perhaps you seamlessly start rearranging your schedule lớn make more time for your guy or gal. And, of course, you might start wondering—perhaps even daydreaming—about the moment when your special someone will admit they love you, too.

Ahead, we ask therapists, researchers, & other relationship experts to lớn tóm tắt the classic indications that you are, indeed, falling in love sầu. So now, all you have sầu to lớn vì chưng is prepare to say those three big words.

You want lớn giới thiệu your world with them.

Dawoon Kang, co-founder và co-CEO of online dating platform Coffee Meets Bagel, tells Oprah Daily, “Falling in love is different for everyone,” adding she believes in Dr. Robert J. Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love sầu, which identifies three main aspects: intimacy (the desire khổng lồ feel closely connected), passion (physical and emotional stimulation), & decision/commitment (the resolve lớn stiông xã together).

“You don’t need all three components to lớn know that you’re falling in love sầu, but they are strong indicators that you’re on the way,” she explains. “But don"t conclude that someone isn"t falling in love sầu with you because they aren"t showing the same exact signals as you bởi.”

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