


Fill in each gap with a word from the box. There are more words than you need. The first one has been done for you.

Bạn đang đọc: Getting started

Fill in each gap with a word from the box. There are more words than you need. The first one has been done for you.

Xem thêm: Top 19 Hm Km M Cm Mm Dm Mới Nhất 2021, Đo Độ Dài_Km Hm Dam M Dm Cm Mm

Điền vào nơi trống 1 từ trong bảng. Có rất nhiều từ hơn lượng từ chúng ta cần. Ví dụ thứ nhất được làm cho mẫu. 



feel opportunities





errors remember



What is a good language learner? Here are some qualities of good language learners. Inside và outside the classroom, good language learners ...

a) seek out______________ to lớn use the language in meaningful interactions;

b) are willing to_______________;

c) are_______________ khổng lồ guess the meaning of new words;

d) repeat words and phrases until they form good_____________________ ;

e) are_______________ ;

f) are not afraid khổng lồ make_________________ in their language use;

g) pay _________________to the forms of the language;

h) search for _____________ in listening and reading;

i) ask for clarification when they don"t__________________;

j) do not_______________worried.

Hướng dẫn giải 

a. Opportunities b. Practicec. Ready d. Habits e. Patient
f. Errorsg. Attentionh. Meaningi. Understandj. Feel

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